Check registration and license type

  1. Launch Persyst standalone to verify the program opens
  2. Check for correct background color and .mmx file to indicate whether Deploy Settings was run.
  3. If Persyst opens, navigate to Preferences | General Preferences | About and check the type of license (EMU/AMB licenses do not support trending).
  4. If the software is properly registered, verify that OEM software read the registration correctly.
    1. Natus: Check for any “Persyst License Error” annotation in Natus annotation list.
    2. Nihon Kohden: Verify that launching MMFrame does not display any errors and that there are no black lines diagonally across the MMFrame Window

Check for correct configuration (situational by OEM)

  1. Natus: verify that analyzer is present in Tools | Options | Analysis tab and pointed at the correct .mmx
  2. Nihon Kohden: verify that the correct status, file path, and executable option are selected
  3. Nicolet: Verify that the Nicolet dongle has the Persyst option licensed and that the Nicolet Integration was run during install