Persyst Monitoring Facilitates Remote Access and Notifications
Remote monitoring has become an integral part of long-term EEG monitoring. As EEG services grow, this has created increasing demands on medical staff. Persyst can assist with these demands by providing access to your data wherever you are along with near real-time alerting and Trending. The ability to quickly recognize changes in the EEG that require further investigation increases safety and improves efficiency.

Persyst provides fast, efficient and user-configurable ways to display different combinations of data according to the diversity of needs across both personnel and environments. And all Persyst solutions are tightly integrated with, and are designed to work seamlessly with your EEG hardware platforms.
Within centralized EEG monitoring rooms, there are typically scores of screens, sometimes two per patient, that must be monitored by technologists, their attention constantly rotating back and forth across screens so as not to miss a clinical event.
Persyst monitoring solutions allow the user to consolidate meaningful data across patients onto a single monitor. Whether it is displaying Persyst Trends across all patients on a single monitor where new recordings are automatically detected and displayed, or a showing the centralized master list of all active patient recordings on a single monitor where the patient with the most recently detected event is bumped to the top of the list, Persyst’s aim is to make centralized monitoring easier so that in a single glance clinicians get the high-level summary needed for the most up to date information on clinical events, improving communication between care providers, decreasing missed events and increasing patient care.
Perhaps the most powerful aspect is the majority of these capabilities are enabled by Persyst Mobile, the HIPAA compliant web-based solution for Persyst monitoring, where all that is needed to quickly access live recordings is a modern web browser or iOS/Android device. This eliminates the need to install expensive or bulky EEG software on each monitoring station and is an ideal solution for nurse monitoring stations where all patient data, including video, notifications trends, can be easily accessed without having to interact with the EEG software or systems. Lead technologists can carry an iPad with them as they walk through the hospital and rounding physicians can get updated relevant information on each patient before entering their room.
Persyst Mobile also operates via existing hospital VPN solutions, so that when off-site expertise is needed, physicians can easily connect to live patient data, reducing delays from having to go through heavy, remote desktop environments.