Persyst Acquisition Software
Persyst Acquisition software is installed on EEG acquisition systems, automatically processing records as they are being acquired. Trends, Artifact Reduction, Seizure Detections and Spike Detections are processed in real time so that they are available for immediate monitoring and review. All Persyst acquisition software is tested in conjunction with the EEG manufacturers to ensure both high quality and performance.

ICU Continuous Monitoring provides Trending, Artifact Reduction, Seizure Detection, and Spike Detection. This product is designed for environments that require the full range of Persyst capabilities.
Persyst Review Packages
Persyst Review software is required for systems that will be used to monitor or review the results produced by Persyst acquisition software. Persyst Review software is completely integrated with the EEG manufacturer’s review software. It can also be used stand alone.

Clinical Review provides for monitoring and review of Trends, Seizure Detections and Spike Detections in a previously processed EEG record. It does not provide any type of processing capability.

Advanced Review provides for the monitoring, review and processing of most major EEG file formats, archiving of EEG and supported video formats, and advanced frequency and voltage analysis. Advanced review provides Artifact Reduction, Trends, Seizure Detection and Spike Detection. Advanced review can only be used to process records that have already been acquired. It cannot be used to process records during acquisition.

Routine and Ambulatory provides EEG Review, Artifact Reduction, Spike Detection, and Seizure Detection for supported EEG formats. It can only be used to process records that have already been acquired. It cannot be used to process records during acquisition.

Through the use of a highly optimized grid showing ongoing cEEG recordings, Persyst MPM makes maximum use of screen real estate.