The next time you want to know how your cEEG patients are doing, take a quick look via Persyst Multi-Patient Monitor.
Continuous EEG (cEEG) monitoring allows unprecedented clinical insights into the brain function of critically ill patients. However, effectively monitoring multiple recordings simultaneously is a challenge. Within centralized EEG monitoring rooms, there are typically scores of screens, typically two per patient, that must be monitored by technologists, their attention constantly rotating back and forth across screens so as not to miss a clinical event. Setting up, maintaining, and running one such centralized EEG monitoring room at a single facility is difficult. Complicating monitoring further, there are usually no similar capabilities at satellite sites.
Persyst Multi-Patient Monitor (MPM) is an important component to solving these challenges.
Many simultaneous patient recordings in a centralized display.
Through the use of an optimized grid showing multiple, ongoing cEEG recordings, Persyst MPM makes maximum use of screen real estate. It provides an effective overview of many simultaneous recordings in a single glance. If you see something of interest, with one click you can zoom in on a single record for detailed review. Another click and you’re back to multi-patient view.
The cEEG trends displayed for each patient are user-selectable and the EEG waveforms can also be displayed. MPM can be configured to automatically open new recordings as they arise, either by placing these in a specified grid cell or in the next available grid position. Users can also manually select records for monitoring using the Persyst database. Dual monitors are supported, allowing display of a large number of active studies. MPM via Citrix server is supported, so MPM monitoring can be achieved wherever a suitably configured Citrix station is located. And, as with every Persyst product, almost every EEG manufacturer’s system is supported, so MPM works seamlessly in hospitals using different brands and types of EEG machines.
Centralized simultaneous monitoring of
multiple acquisition systems
- Ideal for EEG monitoring rooms
- View relevant trend panels for each patient
- Quickly switch to EEG or different trends remotely
- Monitor EEG systems from different manufacturers